2-Way Outlook Integration with iinsight®

Efficient and seamless communication is vital for the success of any healthcare organisation. With iinsight®, you can now enhance your communication workflows by integrating it with Microsoft Outlook, one of the most popular email and calendar applications. Our 2-way Outlook integration feature allows you to streamline your scheduling processes, saving you time and improving task management.

What is 2-Way Outlook Integration?

iinsight® offers a powerful 2-way integration with Microsoft Outlook, enabling you to synchronise appointments and tasks seamlessly between both platforms. This integration allows you to access and manage your Outlook information directly within iinsight®. Any changes made within iinsight® will automatically reflect on your Outlook calendar, eliminating the need to switch back and forth between applications. Additionally, staff work hours and availability will be displayed in both iinsight® and Outlook. If someone tries to book an appointment with a staff member outside of their working hours, a pop-up warning will appear, ensuring efficient scheduling.

With the 2-way integration between the platform and Outlook, you can leverage the alerts and reminders functionality you already have in Outlook. Any important deadlines, tasks, or events set in the platform will be synchronised with your Outlook calendar and task manager, ensuring that you receive timely notifications and reminders. This seamless integration of alerts and reminders eliminates the need to constantly switch between systems or duplicate entries, allowing you to stay on top of your tasks and commitments. Whether it's a client meeting, project milestone, or follow-up task, the integrated system ensures that you are always notified and reminded, helping you manage your workflow more effectively.

Key Benefits of 2-Way Outlook Integration

Experience the Power of 2-Way Outlook Integration with iinsight®

Join the growing number of healthcare organisations that have embraced the efficiency and convenience of 2-way Outlook integration with iinsight®. Simplify your communication, streamline scheduling, and enhance collaboration.

Trial wizard - USA

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What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

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