Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Solution

Privacy and security are essential to any organisation, including healthcare and medical practices. No matter the size or type of practice you run, you need to make sure that only you and authorised staff are able to access sensitive data, particularly information pertaining to patients or clients, billings, and accounting. A multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution can help with that. It will provide an intelligent and secure way to access critical data to prevent unauthorised use and other issues, like data loss and theft.

Why you need it

These days, having a strong password is not enough. Hackers and attackers are becoming more sophisticated with their methods, too. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell when they will target your practice. They could do it in the next hour, without you knowing it. In case you don’t know, 80 percent of security breaches are caused by compromised passwords. You need an agile and flexible multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution that can keep up with the rapidly changing IT landscape.

An organisation is likely to lose a lot of money and its hard-earned reputation when there is a data breach. Moreover, such an incident could cause a decline in productivity and more costs associated with trying to retrieve the compromised data. Multi-factor authentication can reduce your risk of experiencing a security breach by up to 75 percent. It may even boost the productivity of your staff by 50 percent when it lets your team work securely from any device anytime and anywhere.

However, a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution does not have to come as a separate feature for your case management software. You do not have to worry about compatibility issues when you have iinsight®, a practice and case management solution that is tailored for the needs of allied health and NDIS service providers, physicians, therapists, and rehabilitation consultants.

aged care management – iinsight

About our solution

Our platform is cloud-based and scalable for any practice. Use it to work intuitively and securely in the cloud from any web-connected device. We understand that MFA is mandatory for every practice, so we designed our software to help your organisation comply with new legislations, such as the Privacy Amendment Act 2017 in Australia and GDPR in EU. That way, you can avoid the guesswork and hassles associated with figuring how you can implement strong privacy governance, while minding your practice.

iinsight® comes with a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution as a standard to provide your organisation with a reliable and effective controls to prevent unauthorised third parties from accessing your devices, network, and sensitive information.

Keeping your data and your practice secure

Multi-factor authentication is known to help deter data fraud and theft, therefore, keeping accounts and sensitive information secure. With that in mind, it is one of the features you should look for in a case management software. Rest assured, it is already a built-in feature and not an option or an add-on when you get iinsight®. You can count on it to provide these benefits to your practice:

The #1 Case Management Software for Paediatric Offices

How it works

Multi-factor authentication is known to help deter data fraud and theft, therefore, keeping accounts and sensitive information secure. With that in mind, it is one of the features you should look for in a case management software. Rest assured, it is already a built-in feature and not an option or an add-on when you get iinsight®. You can count on it to provide these benefits to your practice:

Talk to us to learn more about the suite of MFA solutions that we can customise to fit your practice’s needs.

More for your practice

iinsight® is an all-around case management software that will help you run your practice smoothly and securely. Try our software for 14 days free to discover its features yourself. Our solution is ISO 27001 certified to ensure our commitment to providing secure services to every client, and that our information security management practices are able to meet the best practices known internationally.

Trial wizard - USA

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so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

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