Microsoft Teams & Zoom - Telehealth

Microsoft Teams & Zoom - Telehealth

iinsight® now integrates with Microsoft Teams and Zoom, two of the most popular video conferencing platforms used by businesses worldwide. This integration allows for seamless communication and collaboration, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of your organisation.

With the integration of Teams and Zoom into iinsight®, Allied Health providers can easily provide telehealth services to their clients. This is especially beneficial for clients who are unable to attend in-person appointments due to geographic or mobility issues. With telehealth services, providers can offer convenient and flexible care, while still maintaining the same level of quality and effectiveness as in-person appointments.

Having the ability to provide telehealth services through Teams and Zoom can help to increase access to care for clients who may not have been able to receive services previously due to barriers such as distance, transportation, or time constraints. This can improve the overall health outcomes for clients and increase the reach of Allied Health Services.

Trial wizard - CA

What country is your business located in?

Please write down your details below

so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

Whilst we arrange your Trial Access would you like to undertake a iinsight® demo?

Oopsie! Hold on there, friend! If you close this window, you'll unfortunately lose all the info you've given and have to start from scratch. Let's make sure we save all your hard work by keeping this window open, shall we? 😉