Telehealth Case Management Platform

Telehealth Case Management Platform

Telehealth is one of the most innovative ways for health services providers to reach out and deliver reliable consultation services to their patients or clients. It uses digital communication and information technologies to allow remote access to their services. This makes telehealth practical for remote health management too. As you implement this practice, you may need a secure and versatile platform for effective case management and to make sure that any relevant information is up-to-date. This is possible with a cloud case management solution, like iinsight®.

The only Telehealth case management solution you will need

iinsight® will simplify case management and reporting. Designed specifically for Allied Health service providers, the platform allows occupational therapists, vocational rehabilitation consultants, and other healthcare providers to work smarter and intuitively for enhanced productivity and better customer service. It can be scaled for any health organisation, regardless of their size. This way, telehealth case management is more accessible to more teams and organisations looking to improve their services and the way they work.

The iinsight® case management software will help boost your productivity and enhance the way you provide your telehealth services.

No credit card required

iinsight® case management software

Some of its most critical functions for Telehealth case management are as follows:

Effortless data entry

Effortless data entry

Integrate with your accounting system

Integrate with your accounting system

Easy cost management and monitoring

Easy cost management and monitoring

An all-in-one platform for billing

An all-in-one platform for billing

Keep documents organised

Keep documents organised

save time

Save time

Custom forms

Custom forms

WorkCover integration

Insurance integration

Organize Calendar

Organize Calendar

No credit card required

Our Case Management Software in Canada – How It Works?

As a robust telehealth case management platform, iinsight® can also maximise your compliance and productivity by automating workflows, providing user notifications and system alerts, and simplifying enterprise reporting related to your telehealth service. It even provides KPI reports for easy management and tracking of your telehealth practice and how it progresses against targets. This way, you can easily identify areas that need improvement and those that may be helpful in the long run.

Look no further than iinsight® if you’re looking for reliable Allied Health practice management software. Our telehealth and case management platform will support your health practice and provide you with a reliable and secure way to work anytime, anywhere, with any web-connected device. Get in touch with us and try it for free. Our telehealth case management solutions are available to health industry customers in Australia, New Zealand, United States, Singapore, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

Our Case Management Software – How It Works?
Trial wizard - CA

What country is your business located in?

Please write down your details below

so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

Whilst we arrange your Trial Access would you like to undertake a iinsight® demo?

Oopsie! Hold on there, friend! If you close this window, you'll unfortunately lose all the info you've given and have to start from scratch. Let's make sure we save all your hard work by keeping this window open, shall we? 😉