Data Security

Complimentary Compliance & Accreditation Services

iinsight® often has clients who are approached by their various funding bodies. These bodies will request Due Diligence and Security Questionnaires be completed and returned by a specific deadline.

A great deal of information within these Due Diligence and Security Questionnaires are very technical in nature and refer to your Client Data and Storage and Security of such Data.

To make this an easy process on Providers, iinsight® offers a complimentary service to its customers, whereby you send us the Due Diligence/Security Questionnaires and we will complete the sections relevant to iinsight® before returning to the Customer along with all of the supporting evidence.

In this way you are able to leverage off our suite of Compliance Certifications and Accreditations while remaining compliant with your Funding Body rules and regulations, in many cases, this can also increase the business and referrals to your business from said Funding Bodies.

iinsight is GDPR, ISO27001, ISO9001, PIPEDA and  HIPAA certified and accredited

Our Accreditations include

iinsight is ISO9001 accredited, holding this certification ensures the security of our customers.

ISO9001 – Quality Management System (QMS)

iinsight is ISO27001 accredited, holding this certification ensures the security of our customers.

ISO27001 – Information Security Management System (ISMS)

iinsight is PIPEDA certified, holding this certification ensures the security of our customers.

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

iinsight is HIPAA certified, holding this certification ensures the security of our customers.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)

iinsight is GDPR certified, holding this certification ensures the security of our customers..

General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR) – UK

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – EU

Data security and encryption, private cloud solutions for all our iinsight® clients worldwide

Our commitment to your security

Be Software International is committed to providing the best of breed infrastructure, software and support services for
our customers worldwide. As part of this commitment we maintain our ISO27001:2022 and ISO9001:2015 accreditations.

Data security and encryption

Be Software International provides private cloud solutions for all our iinsight® clients worldwide. Customers are provided with individual databases and document repositories.

Data is encrypted @ Rest for all databases and document repositories, whilst all communication via the internet is encrypted using encryption protocol TLS1.2 which is the highest standard available to commercial organisations. This provides security at rest along with bidirectional encryption of all communications between our clients and the private clouds and guarantee that the contents of communications between the user and iinsight® cannot be read or intercepted by any third party.

Monitoring and testing

We utilise real-time infrastructure monitoring and alerting to ensure system availability and data integrity. The monitoring is managed 24 hours a day 365 days per year.

On a monthly bases we test the implemented controls by running external vulnerability assessment tools and on a twice yearly basis arrange for external parties to run penetration audits. These audits allow us to continually improve our security controls and processes.

Local data centres and backups

Be Software International provides private cloud solutions for all our iinsight® clients worldwide. Customers are provided with individual databases and document repositories.

Data is encrypted @ Rest for all databases and document repositories, whilst all communication via the internet is encrypted using encryption protocol TLS1.2 which is the highest standard available to commercial organisations. This provides security at rest along with bidirectional encryption of all communications between our clients and the private clouds and guarantee that the contents of communications between the user and iinsight® cannot be read or intercepted by any third party.

Trial wizard - UK

What country is your business located in?

Please write down your details below

so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

Whilst we arrange your Trial Access would you like to undertake a iinsight® demo?

Oopsie! Hold on there, friend! If you close this window, you'll unfortunately lose all the info you've given and have to start from scratch. Let's make sure we save all your hard work by keeping this window open, shall we? 😉