Medicare Software

Medicare Software

The universal health insurance scheme of Australia guarantees that all Australians and some visitors from overseas will have access to health and hospital services at a low or no cost. If your medical facility or practice is under this scheme, you will want to ensure timely and accurate payments and claims processing to avoid any problems for your organisation and your patients. A Medicare software can help with that.

Traditionally, you would have to process claims manually or use designated terminals. Either way, it is a costly and time-consuming way to process bills, and patient claims. By implementing a software that works with Medicare’s system, you can eliminate terminals and the fees relevant to them. Moreover, you can go paperless and simplify the processing of billings and claims related to Medicare anytime and anywhere.

Instead of finding a separate solution to work with your current system, you might want to look into a case management software like iinsight®, which lets you link billings directly to the claims portal of Medicare. This way, you do not have to worry about incompatibility issues and updating separate platforms to keep them in good working condition and compliant to Medicare’s standards. Our solution also supports Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) claims, so you do not have to look further for another software to facilitate billing and financial reporting.

How it works

A good Medicare software solution will automate and manage your revenue cycle. It will provide transparent, accurate, fast, and therefore better reimbursement experience all around. Use it to process bills and claims without worrying about terminal fees and costs associated with transactions and merchant services. Here are more benefits you can expect from it:

Benefits of our software to your practice

With our Medicare and DVA integration feature, you can reduce the time spent administering, so you can focus on other important activities in your clinic, such as caring for your patients. It speeds up the claiming process and simplifies financial reporting by providing full and ready-to-use reports and invoice data that meets Medicare’s standards.

Using our case management solution, you can get all the necessary features you can expect from a robust Medicare software system. Online cloud-based claiming technology helps speed up cash flow into your account, simplifies bulk bill claims, and eliminates the need for a dial up line or a terminal. You could save more time with our platform if you are using vouchers, and reduce costs if you are currently paying terminal and line rental fees, or brokerage or merchant fees on claim values every month.

Group invoices with ease

You can also find an invoice grouping module in our case management software. We designed to fulfil the invoicing requirements for compliance reasons by insurance companies. That way, your practice can also process other insurance providers besides Medicare.

How does it work? When a billing is introduced and set as a ‘Single Invoice Row’ cost, the invoice should group any other costs added during the invoicing period, as long as those costs have the same charge code and description in a single line. Other activities or items will be shown in their own line in an invoice.

Benefits of our software to your practice

Tailored for your practice

Our case management software is easy to set up and can be scaled to your practice, regardless of your speciality or the size of your clinic. iinsight® is cloud-based, so it is easy to customise and improve the way you work and run your office. Once set, it will provide immediate benefits by helping you work more intuitively, smarter, and securely from anywhere and anytime, as long as you have a web-connected device.

Aside from being a Medicare software system, our platform offers all essential features for effective practice and case management. It can fully integrate with the Xero accounting system to automatically synchronise payments and invoices between the two systems, and it allows your staff to create billings and invoices on the fly. You also get a drag-and-drop feature for simplified data entry. Documents and reports can be organised easily in custom folders, and you can schedule invoices using the bulk email invoicing feature.

Start using our platform

No need to find a separate Medicare software solution for your practice when you have iinsight®. Try it for 14 days free to see for yourself how it can improve the way you process claims, reports, and billings.

Trial wizard - UK

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so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

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