Digital eSignature Software

Digital eSignature Software

Many documents in the healthcare and medical sector—from onboarding forms to prescriptions— require the signature of the patient and/or the physician. The traditional way of signing any documentation is to use pen and paper; however, things are quickly changing as medical care becomes more digital. A digital eSignature software solution can be handy in sealing the deal fast and securely, while making sure that you can provide a legally binding signature when needed.

The type of software lets you easily provide your digital eSignature to digital proposals, contracts, prescriptions, and other important documents. It also provides convenience to patients and clients when they need to sign consent forms, insurance documents, and other paperwork. The signing process is streamlined and agreements are easily fulfilled between the agreeing parties

The benefits for your practice

Sign securely from anywhere

As long as you have a web-connected device, you can use the digital eSignature software to sign any important document, including case notes and papers related to billing. The platform is UETA and ESIGN compliant, and an electronic certificate is included with each signed document.

Save time

You can provide your digital eSignature anytime and anywhere to easily and quickly accomplish any remote work. You can complete more agreements securely in a day and it only takes a few minutes to do so.

Work more efficiently

Digitally signing documents eliminates time-consuming manual tasks, while offering more convenience for your staff and clients.

Save money

There is no need to worry about courier or fuel costs just to send and receive documents to be signed. The digital eSignature software can minimise your expenses while enhancing employee productivity. It may even reduce overhead costs down the line when you do not have to hire extra manpower just to get papers signed manually.

Sign securely from anywhere

Get the right software

Usually, you would have to get a digital eSignature software solution that works flawlessly with your case management software. This can pose compatibility issues. It’s better to get a comprehensive solution to begin with, like iinsight®.

Our case management solution that comes with all the tools you will need to run your practice smoothly and conveniently from the cloud.

Our cloud-based software is designed and built according to the needs of industry professionals, such as allied health and NDIS service providers, occupational therapists, and vocational rehabilitation consultants. iinsight® aims to help you work smarter and more intuitively, and it can be scaled to suit the unique requirements and size of your organisation.

With our case management software, you won’t have to get a separate software to provide your digital eSignature. It has a built-in eSignature figure in the Billing and Case Note section that lets you or the client, or both to sign off on relevant services and sign against the information to confirm agreement to a charge.

iinsight® lets you add your eSignature to any new case notes and it is automatically exported if you export the case notes. Any new billing entered through the +Billing windows will result in the Case Note and the signature added to it, too. This way, you do not have to manually add your digital eSignature every time.

Ready to try iinsight®? Sign up for a 14-day free trial and discover why it is better than getting a separate digital eSignature software.

Trial wizard - UK

What country is your business located in?

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so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

Whilst we arrange your Trial Access would you like to undertake a iinsight® demo?

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