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Healthcare Provider

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) is all about protecting everyone in the workplace. It is concerned with the health and safety of you and your employees against risks and hazards, which may be caused by activities in the workplace. Using a WHS management software will make it easier for you...

Your organisation may have relied on manual data entry and conventional computing technologies for a long time. However, those methods could easily become outdated as your organisation continues to grow. Over time, you might find yourself having difficulty keeping up with the demand to deliver information accurately and quickly. Old...

As an Allied Health professional, you may be looking for a way that can enhance the way you work by providing an easier way to access and update patient accounts. That is possible with an Allied Health patient account software, an innovative solution that can be scaled and customised to...

Case management can be a highly demanding task as it involves recording, analysing, and monitoring data processing, procedures, and content, which may be relevant to a particular case. It is commonly practised in an array of working environments, particularly healthcare facilities and organisations with a Return to Work program. It...

Occupational Health and Safety is among the most critical fields your organisation shouldn’t ignore. It is concerned with the welfare, health, and safety of your employees in the workplace, and it extends to workers in the field. Without it, your organisation’s reputation could be at risk and you could face...

On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, refers to the practice of optimising individual web pages to rank higher on search engines and attract more relevant visitors to a website. The techniques optimise the content, title tags, URLs, meta information, alt tags, external and internal links on your allied health website to...

Why blog? There’s a strong case for Allied Health professionals to begin blogging. Having undergone years of medical school and training, you are qualified with very vital information that people want to know more about. Before the internet, people would have to visit a library to research a particular condition....

Allied Health professionals answer their calling to deliver exceptional patient care at all times. Understandably, practice management can be a lower priority when peoples’ livelihoods are at stake. However, allied health professionals can incorporate basic tools and best practices into business for it to run more efficiently. In this piece,...

During its 10 years of existence, Instagram has gone from strength to strength. From its start as a photo-posting app to its current status as a sales channel for businesses, the platform now hosts one billion active users. As part of your wider marketing strategy for your allied health practice,...

Because your website is a window to your allied health practice, it needs to be a reflection of your professional self. Patients searching for advice or evaluating your suitability as a health care provider will browse it to inform their opinion of your practice or service. Therefore, your website should...

Gaining patients through word of mouth referrals is an invaluable method of growing your allied health practice. Not only do you have the opportunity to treat more people in need of your services, but it’s also an endorsement of your abilities. If patients or medical professionals are willing to recommend...

While telehealth is not a new concept, it has not yet been utilized globally to its full potential. The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic may change that in the coming days, weeks, and months though, forcing allied health professionals to rethink how they fulfil some of their essential healthcare services. Not every...

Trial wizard - International

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so that we can personalize your Trial to you and your business.

What Funding Bodies/Services does your business work with/deliver?

Is your business Multi-disciplinary?

Does your business employ many disciplines like, OT, Physio, Speech, Support Workers, Support Coordinators etc, or just a single discipline

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

What Services does your business work with/deliver? (select those relevant)

Do you have an existing Software?
And if so would you need assistance from our Data Migrations team?

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