Sensory Assessments And iinsight® Software
The Sensory assessment is an assessment that can take place in clinic, at home or in school. It will be completed by an occupational therapist through an observation of the behaviours and movements the child shows in relation to the sensory input they are receiving.
When you spend a lot of time with administrative tasks, you may not have enough to dedicate to your patients and other essential tasks. You can avoid all that hassle by implementing a practice management software system, particularly a solution that is designed for healthcare and medical practitioners. As you look up practice management software solutions, you might find yourself overwhelmed with the range of options available. You have to make sure that your choice will simplify practice management with these features:
Cloud-based software
An online practice management software system will enable you and your team to work securely in the cloud using any web-connected device. This also adds more flexibility to the way you work, so you can access your files from anywhere and anytime, even away from the office. Cloud-based solutions are also scalable, so the system should fit your practice regardless of its size or your speciality.
Easy data entry
Invest in a software solution with a drag-and-drop feature, so you can easily update records or case files quickly. Look for a connector feature that can integrate your accounting system with the platform to automatically synchronise invoices and payments. This way, administrative costs and double data entry can be eliminated.
Medical billing made easy
The practice management software system should let you create invoices, timesheets, and billings anytime and anywhere. It will let your staff update billing details on the fly, while simultaneously providing input to your accounting system. Medicare integration is another essential feature that lets you link billings directly to their system to reduce administration, simplify financial reporting, and faster claiming.
Clear document organisation
The software lets you customise folders, so you can keep records organised your way and it is easier to find what you need when you need it.
Free trial
Not sure if a practice management software system is for you? You should be able to try it for at least 14 days free!

Iinsight® is an online practice management software that can make it easier to identify risks and evaluate and analyse how likely severe they are. It supports your decision-making, so you can make smart choices when deciding how to mitigate or eliminate the risks.
Iinsight® may be known as a health clinic software, but it is also a crucial OHS management software that supports the process of Sensory Assessments in medical practices and establishments. By adopting a WHS management system software, problems associated with risks and hazardous situations can be minimised or removed. It will provide all the important tools your organisation would need to keep every worker safe, while ensuring effective job management in the long run.
Try iinsight® for 14 days free or request a demo to discover for yourself why it’s the only cloud based medical practice management software you’ll need to improve Sensory Assessmentss. Iinsight® is currently available in New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Canada, UK, US, and Singapore.