Select a single customer to print the statement for. You can also specify how the statement summary (current, 30, 60, 90 days) is calculated.
Bank Deposit Form
Specific bank deposit payments to be printed.
Bank Deposit Summary
Summary of bank deposit payments to be printed.
Customer Accounts (detail)
Lists all account transactions for one or more customers. You can limit the report to a particular transaction type (eg Payments) and/or date range.
Customer Accounts (summary)
Lists all account transactions for one or more customers. You can limit the report to a particular transaction type (eg Payments) and/or date range.
iCare Report
Monthly report focusing on rehabilitation data such as referral information, injury, budget to date, work status.
The list below contains all the nominated invoices. Choose one invoice to be printed.
NDIS Bulk File Report
Report showing NDIS reference, duration of the services and costs associated to them.
ORAMS Invoice Data Sheet Report
ORAMS monthly report displaying financial information including reference number, client/participant details, service details, costs.
Outstanding Accounts Aging (Detail)
A schedule, aged from date of issue, of all customer invoices unpaid as at the time of running the report.
Outstanding Accounts Aging (Summary)
A total of all unpaid invoices, by customer, aged from date of issue into 30, 60, 90 day columns.
Summary of GST paid for a specific period.
Employees Performance / KPI Reports
Billings by Case
Report showing time and value billed and grouped by case against various selection criteria.
Billings by Employee
Report showing time and value billed by employee against various selection criteria.
Billings by Employee (Grouped)
Report showing time and value billed and grouped by employee against various selection criteria.
HR Expiring Records
This report will show you records that are expiring in a provided range.
KPI report - Case Load
This will provide you with your employee(s) case load status for the date range selected. It is based on the total remaining on plans vs the employee(s) KPI target ($).
KPI Report - Location
This report will give you an overview of all cases and employees billing information for the selected area and date range.
KPI Report - Performance
This will provide you with your employee(s) weekly performance. It is based on the billable hours vs the employee (s) KPI target (hrs) for the date range selected.
Non-attendance Report
Report showing non-attendance rate according to status prior to referral and other user defined parameters.
Sales & Cost of Sales Combined Report
A report which provide user with the total amount of sales, employee costs, reimbursements and internal costs.
Sales Summary
Monthly Sales figures for a specific period. The figures in this report are calculated from invoice totals.
Time Sheet
Prints a weekly time sheet for one or more employees. Displays the total hours worked for each day plus a final total for the week. Times can be broken down by activity if required.
Time Sheet (Summarise times by activity)
Prints a weekly time sheet for one or more employees. Displays the total hours worked for each day plus a final total for the week. Times can be broken down by activity if required.
Cases Reports
Calendar report
Case Details
The list below contains all the nominated cases. Choose one case to be printed.
Case List
A report allowing the user to generate a list of cases using various selection criteria.
Case Outcome Report
Report measuring outcome rates to seek performance improvement
Closure Report-Bill to,Employer,Referrer
Select a Bill-To, Employer or Referrer to view closure statistics for a specified date range.
Closure Report-Employee
Select employee(s) to view closure statistics for a specified date range.
Document Review
Lists all documents accross all cases.
File Review
This is a file review report.
Live Timer
Report showing the time tracked per each bill.
Referrer Monthly Report
A report allowing the user to generate a Referrer Monthly Report using various selection criteria.
Referrer Source Report
Snapshot of the total number of referrals attributed to each referral source within a selected time period.
RTW Details Report
Return to Work report displaying Client name, Claim No, Nature of Injury, Duration, Charge codes and Employer segment.