7 Essential Online Business Tools For Your Allied Health Practice

  • By Renato Parletta
  • June 1, 2020
7 Essential Online Business Tools For Your Allied Health Practice

As a professional tasked with the delivery of a vital healthcare service, staying on top of business administration can be a challenge. In addition to the complex paperwork you have to file, there are emails to answer, accounting to stay on top of, and employee well-being to consider. There is also the matter of marketing your practice, maintaining your online presence, and strengthening relationships with your patients and wider allied health network.

The good news is that there are solutions in the form of online business tools to assist busy health professionals better organize their practice. In working with these, you will find that administration is streamlined, giving you more time to focus on work that really matters: consulting with patients.

Allied Health Consult

Essential Online Business Tools For Allied Health Professionals

1. iinsight Case Management System

iinsight is a cloud-based case management system that increases your health practice’s efficiency and ability to scale.

Your entire team can access the data infrastructure in real-time from any device in any location, provided they have an internet connection. With granted user-permissions, they can also work on case-files collaboratively.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is integration with industry portals and platforms. Being able to access Medicare and Workcover QLD/SA directly from the injury management system allows you to easily process claims and run billing reports which can be time-consuming.

From a compliance point of view, you can rest assured that the software protects your client data and runs in line with the required information and security protocols.

2. Zoom

Zoom has widely become known as a go-to platform for online meetings, webinars, and consultations.

With the use of telehealth being encouraged where possible due to the pandemic, allied health professionals need a platform on which to host their consultations.

It isn’t limited to appointments either, Zoom can be used for meetings with your team, suppliers, and business associates as well.

Telehealth Call

3. Xero for Accounting

Manual accounting is simply not an option when your practice starts growing and your team has volumes of billing reports to run and payments to account for. Xero is an online accounting system for your invoicing, paying bills, reconciling statements, sales tax returns, and reporting needs.

As a bonus, Xero integrates with iinsight to automatically synchronise invoices and payments. Your team can keep track of transactions via dashboards, daily reports, and messaging to stay up to date on the latest numbers.

4. Google Suite

Google’s Suite of services including Docs, Sheets, and Gmail, are great collaborative online business tools.

For any projects that require input from more than one person, you can grant permissions for individuals to work on specific Docs or Sheets. You can track changes, add or rescind permissions, as well as work with the team or even people outside your practice.

The other advantage to G Suite is the cloud storage that’s spread between email and drive. There’s no need to worry about online documents being lost due to a hard drive crash or laptop damage as everything is stored on the cloud for safekeeping.

G-Suite For Allied Health Businesses

5. Canva

Canva is an online design platform for non-designers. You can use it to create artwork for your website, for social media, your logo, for presentations, marketing materials, infographics, book covers, and more.

The simple drag-and-drop tool has a library of photographs, fonts, and graphics to choose from, and there’s no need to have any design experience to use it.

6. Typeform

Whether you need contact forms for your website, feedback forms for patient appointments, job application forms when you are hiring, network or patient surveys, or social media polls, Typeform has a solution.

Their beautiful, mobile-friendly forms and surveys engage respondents to ensure that you get the answers and information you need to need to grow your practice.

Survey Patients

7. Evernote Scanner

A mobile scanner app is essential for maintaining your client case files and general business document organization. It turns the camera on your mobile into a scanner, allowing you to scan and email documents to recipients of your choice, or upload them to your cloud storage.

Building a More Efficient Allied Health Practice

The online business tools we have covered will help you make better use of your time and work more efficiently with your team. From administrative collaboration tools to marketing support and software that performs specialized tasks and integrates with your systems, you will be able to achieve more for your practice with less effort.

If you would like to know more about using iinsight as a case management system for your allied health practice, arrange a demo here to see it in action.

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